Our social worker is coming today for a post-placement visit. One of the things she needs from us is a picture of me, Michael, and Ari together. We have lots of pix of me & Ari or Michael & Ari, but one of us is always behind the camera. We had Andrew try to take some pictures of us yesterday evening. Ari liked to run out of the picture, and Andrew liked to give his dad "the Costner cut." (As in Kevin Costner, in The Bodyguard, where the camera man kindly cut his receding hairline out of almost every frame in the movie.)
Ari decided she wanted to pack "Ava" all over this morning. Maybe because she's finally big enough to lift the doll! Nice that they match, huh? (Not planned, except that I put a band on both Ava and Madeline -- I think that's the little doll's name; I'd have to ask Cameron.) In this picture, you can see Ari's new band that I bought for comfort and portability with her baha. Thank you, forwerd.net! Kisses for Ava.
She's just as fearless as Gabrian was one year ago. (And I let him go for it, so I have to hold my breath and let her go too. No double standards for the girl! LOL.)