Sunday, November 02, 2014

Halloween 2014

 Black Canary, CW incarnation ("Arrow")

 Elsa, Asian incarnation.

 The Arrow (CW incarnation)

Jawa (Cameron Norton last-minute incarnation)

Hmmm.  Conor made himself scarce at picture time, so I don't have a picture of him in his Halloween costume, which was an assassin.  (Wynn and Conor wore costumes to pep band.)  Should I make him put his costume back on for a photo, or post a picture of him dressed as Zoolander during Homecoming week?

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Nut Gets A Coconut

After the boys were told that it was not OK to throw rocks up to try to knock down a coconut, Cameron decided he could scale a tree and get one anyway.  (Thank you, Denise, for taking these pictures!)

After Denise showed me these pictures, I asked him to do it again and get a coconut for his brother as well.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Hilo Zoo and Pahoa Pools

Hilo Zoo

Lava Tree State Park
Trees fossilized by sudden lava flow.

Still look like trees but made of stone.

Love the way many different kinds of plants all live together 
climbing up and hanging down from a single tree.

Yes, that really says "Bacon Soda."
No, it hasn't been opened yet.

 Pahoa pools
 Near my grandparents' house, the lava rocks are sharp and brutal,
but the rocks shelter some really cool pools from the ocean.
These are great for swimming and snorkeling,
and very few people there.