Sunday, December 07, 2008

Cassidy's Birthday Party

Mmmm. Cake is good!

Sliding with Cameron.

Sliding with Conor.

Uncertain about the bouncy castle.

Warming up. . .

Found a better jumping partner!
Ari LOVES Cassidy.
She says, "Da-si-DEE" so carefully.

Crash & Hugs


Andrew and his little boss.
"Andrew, come!"

Present sherpas.

So hard to sit down.

PiƱata loot.


Denise said...

Wow...where was the party? Looks like fun! Ari looks so cute with her hair pulled back like that!

Nana said...

Very nice pictures. Looks like they all had a good time. Cassidy is just huge! (Not fair...too fast) but probably just looks so big next to our little emperess.