Sunday, October 19, 2008

Blog Tag

Lynn (and Olivia) tagged us a few days ago. It's taken me awhile to find time to pass it on. Visit Lynn and her family at

7 random facts about me? There's nothing interesting about me that readers of this blog, i.e. my family, don't already know:

1. I grew up in a log cabin without power, phone, running water, or indoor plumbing.

2. Before I worked for a speech therapist, I wanted to be a biochemist/geneticist. My brother is getting his doctorate and is a biochemist instead of me! :)

3. I can't stand the sound of markers, styrofoam, or chalk.

4. Similarly, I can't stand to touch velvet or foam rubber.

5. Though no one who knows me or works with me would consider me shy, I am terrified of meeting new people, and each new evaluation I do when I meet new patients is a personal challenge for me. (The second visit is always much better.)

6. I love taking tests, always have, still do.

7. I hope to have the guts someday to teach a class for continuing ed or for the university.

Now, I'd like to tag the following blogs:


Denise said...

Okay.....seriously? You love to take tests? What is WRONG with you?.....and send a little of that my way I could use it!! :)

Somewhere In The Sun said...

Wow, that's a VERY interesting list! I'd love to hear more about your life growing up in the log cabin!!!
